The New Charles Davis Stables

Amicus finishes Second September 11, 2017

I was really impressed watching this race live on the internet. It was a strange race that included gaining position racing inside.

Take a look for yourself Post 4


Here is the race program

first impressions is that the trotting hobbles is making a difference. He looked smooth all the way around.

Braonach finished fourth the night before
Amicus finished second
and one race to go this week Nower Power

3 thoughts on “Amicus finishes Second September 11, 2017

  1. sean

    hi enjoying your site and stories, I have 10% OF Sally, 5%PDA, 5% Zepp and 1 % of amicus. got me thinking of having my own web page. will be back often. bye. and a few with VIP stable

    1. Charles Davis Post author

      hi Sean:
      Thank you for the comment. Sally suppose to be back to training soon, really looking forward to seeing her race. I like your selection of horses.

  2. sean

    yes can’t wait for sally, recently picked up 5 shares to bring my share to 10. I low balled an offer on sally and got the 5 shares cheap or maybe over paid. I guess we will see, according to Anthony PDA trained very very good last Thursday. I hope he’s right and we see him on the track soon.